Malcolm Devantier Psychology

I am a registered psychologist who helps adolescents and adults cope with Relationship difficulties, Anxiety and Stress, Depression, Workplace Stress, Adjustment Disorder, Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Disability.

My special areas of interest include working with couples, interpersonal and relationship difficulties, trauma as well as men’s mental health. I have worked in Private Practice, Marriage/Relationship Counselling, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), the Primary Health Network, the NDIS and Out of Home Care environments. I use a warm and empathic style and work collaboratively with people to develop therapy objectives and provide counselling to meet individual needs. In doing so, I equip individuals with the practical skills, tools and coping strategies to make positive changes in their lives. I focus on building relationships to support people.


Weds 8:30am - 5:00pm


0494 090 059